Some vintage findings and my tattoo.
I am having this little project on Instagram where I do small collages of stuff I have at home and my studio. I can go on for weeks, my drawers are filled…
No matter how many new shelves I have in my studio, it takes ten minutes to fill them with stuff. I am now forbidden to visit fleamarkets and antiquarian bookstores. And this is not where I have all my books, I have another room in my studio…
Creations from yesterday. Today it´s raining. Please please, sunny days, come back!
…coming up! I´m leaving Thursday evening for a long fleamarket weekend. This time me and my friend are going to Småland. I have googled, I´ve made lists and printed maps. If you´re a Smålänning checking my blog before Thursday, feel free to leave a comment with tips! I hope I find nice stuff because my shelves are a bit empty, don´t you think?