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All work, Posters

Poster for Galleri Aguéli

After my exhibition with my italian posters I had a couple of years ago, the gallery wanted to have an ”Yes, we´re open” poster in the same style, so now they have one. I like to work like this. It´s a bit less naive than I usually do my images.

All work, Posters


Yesterday I was involved with a very nice vernissage at Berns in Stockholm. Berns is an old restaurant/scene from 1863 where a lot has happened over the years. My swedish agent, Söderberg Agentur represent 14 illustrators and we have all done our own interpretation of the place. And the result is 14 big posters. This cancan danseuse is mine. And below some examples from the others. The exhibition will last until March 31st.

All work, Various

On my walls/2

Another illustrator I´ve exchanged images with is Lori Joy Smith. She´s an illustrator from Canada and I really like what she does. And I´m happy that she likes what I do because then we wanted each others art on the wall. I´m the happy owner of this piece of art (above) and she got these two prints from me.