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And some more findings


I was so lucky when I found the Christmas plates and the bowl. Even if I don´t look forward to winter right now I´ll be happy when I will set the table with them. God, I sound like an old housewife.

Inspiration, Various

Back home

I´m back from my four day trip to Jönköping and Göteborg. In Jönköping I managed to get away an hour when everyone was bowling and go to Myrorna. I found these nice plates and some books.

And when it was time to paint the easter eggs I wanted to portrait my husband. It looks like him.

Children's, Inspiration

Baking sunday

More of different plates (see March 5) and some homemade cookies.

And a detail from a thing I´m working on (not the wallpaper pattern, see February 21, even if it looks a bit like it).

All work, Inspiration


Today I had lunch in town and yes, I had to stop by my usual second hand stores on my way in. I love table setting with different kind of plates and today I found these for almost nothing. You might wonder if I live in a big house with all my old stuff but I don´t, so these plates will go out to our old summerhouse where they will be perfect.

Details from the summerhouse.